Chauncey Gardner-Johnson S Florida

Chauncey has the football intelligence, athletic talent, down and distance knowledge and the situational football savviness, to make the players around him better and… be an impact Defensive Back for the team that selects him. He is a sure tackler who can be used in the slot in nickel and dime, as a high single safety or in any other kind of configuration you want to use him in because he has the athletic talent and high football IQ. He has excellent hands to catch the ball and make the interception but what he really brings to the team that selects him is, his ability in his play on the field, to put team first. He has good speed to go sideline to sideline and the anticipation and understanding of routes to cover. When he needs help he asks for it and when he makes a mistake he holds himself accountable and then turns the page and moves on. He’s a leader and a coach on the field.

Chauncey struggles to flip his hips that means in the middle of the field, when he is in slot coverage, he will need help over the top. He is excellent with the play in front of him but, on running plays to his side, he must learn to meet his blocks quicker and with more aggression so that he can get off them quicker and make more tackles, limiting yardage. He’s a sure tackler but needs more upper body strength to continue to be a sure tackler at the next level.

Chauncey is a multi-talent Defensive Back, who brings with him the skill level that is needed nowadays to have a dominating defense. That skill level is a high football IQ mixed with good, solid athletic talent to play more than one position. This is the type of player, because of a flaw or two in workouts, that will make most teams overlook Chauncey and not select him early. You see, Chauncey is not a true cornerback and he is a limited Safety and not big enough to be every down linebacker. At least that’s what teams will think when they work him out. Of course, those teams like the Ravens, Steelers, Patriots, Seahawks and maybe some others think differently. They’re like me, they see the value in a player with Chauncey’s talent and size and high football IQ, to play more than one position. Those teams understand how to keep a talented asset like Chauncey, on the field for all three downs. Those teams understand his potential to impact because he can be a coach on the field, make tackles all over the field, intercept the ball, sack quarterbacks and tackle running backs for loses while playing different positions on their defenses. Yup, they seem to be the only teams who see this potential in Chauncey… except for me of course.