Nathaniel (Nate) Wiggins CB Clemson

Nate might be one of the fastest players in this draft on either side of the ball. He has the God-given athletic talent to be a shutdown corner. He is tall and lanky and might have the best makeup speed that I have seen since Deon Sanders. Nate has those long legs that allow him to stay on the hip of a receiver effortlessly and not panic. He glides alongside the receiver and will wait patiently until the ball is in the air, ready to be caught, and then he makes a play on the ball. Because of his speed and burst he will bait quarterbacks into throwing the ball on the shorter routes, and then like a mongoose strikes quickly either to intercept the ball or make the tackle. If Nate plays up at the line he minimizes his weaknesses and long legs, (that can at times hinder his ability to change directions quickly), by being physical with the receiver at the line. Nate is smart and understands his athletic talent, and how to get the most out of his athletic talent. He’s a big-play, pure cover corner, with shutdown potential that can play in any style of defensive backfield you want to run but his specialty will be in single coverage against the other team’s best receiver.

Because of Nate’s god-given athletic talent, there are techniques he uses, and some he doesn’t use, that will bother some teams who are looking for the standard cornerback and might even turn some teams off. He is high in his backpedal and he will struggle in some drills turning his hips, and blah blah blah blah blah. Just turn the film on and trust what you see. Nate is gangster on the field and doesn’t shut his mouth, and he might be difficult to coach but the biggest concern will be if is gangster off the field? The interviews will have to answer those questions because gangster on does not always mean gangster off. In fact, a lot of times it’s just the opposite.

Do I like the way Nate acts on the field after a play…no. Does it affect my talent grade in any way…only in the leadership portion and to be honest he plays a position that requires the least leadership than any other on the field because he plays on an island, by himself. If you’re looking for a pure cover corner then leadership is not at the top of the list. Talent, toughness, tackling, intercepting the ball, being able to rebound after you are beat and overall competitiveness and mental toughness are really what you are looking for. Leadership is not. Nate has all the attributes and athletic talent to be a pure shut-down, cover corner and I suggest if you are a coach, don’t try to change him, just be there for him because there is a reason he prefers to be a loner and not a leader. Players like Nate who seem to be arrogant, macho, “me” type of people on the outside are usually pretty good people on the inside. You just have to look hard sometimes.