Isaih Pacheco RB Rutgers

Isaih is a mix between a three-down running back and a change-up running back. He has tremendous athletic talent with the explosive lateral agility to make his own yards between the tackles or in the open field. He also has the size, power, and quick feet to break tackles between the tackles or in the open field. He can catch the ball with no problems and is one of the hardest running backs in this draft between the tackles. He gives the effort needed to block for his quarterback on third downs and shows the leadership skills through his play on the field to be an excellent teammate. Isaih has the “potential” to be one of the better running backs in the draft. I’m just not sure what kind of running back he will be.

If this kid would just slow down after you hand him the ball and wait for his blocks and learn to set up his blocks he could be an every-down running back. He just plays with one gear on every down and that one gear is full throttle as soon as he gets his hands on the ball. It’s very frustrating to watch because he is so dam impatient and runs himself into tackles. That being said, he is so quick and fast and runs with good vision, balance, and power, it’s surprising he doesn’t break every play for big yardage. The kid runs angry.

Isaih reminds me of a player who was on the Buffalo Bills practice squad for I think, 3 years, Christian Wade. Christen came from England, played rugby, and showed in pre-season the same type of talent that Isaih has shown. I have never been able to understand why the Bills did not use Christian. I understand that he never played American Football but he still showed the skills to be used at some point on the team as a third-down back or even just on special teams as he showed in some pre-season games. If Isaih can just slow down a tiny, tiny, bit when handed the ball and analyze what is happening in front of him, he could be one of the best starting running backs out of this draft class. If he continues to play like a car, running with its headlights off, in the night with the cops chasing him, he can still be an impact player on special teams, third downs, and maybe as a number two slot receiver in the future. It will be up to him but my guess is, if he hasn’t learned to have more patience by now, he’s not going to change in the NFL. For the purposes of this draft, he should be considered more of a change-up running back with return special team talent and the talent to impact and score a touchdown, at any place on the field and on any down and distance. I’ll take that any time.