Christian Watson WR North Dakota St

Christian reminds me a lot of former Lions Calvin Johnson. He is not as big, bulk wise but has the same speed and catch radius as Calvin had. Christian shows on film the quickness to get in and out of his breaks and is a smart receiver. He showed in the Senior Bowl practices the quickness to get off the line of scrimmage against corners when line up outside. Christian is a good route runner and understands zone coverages. On film, you can see that he likes the challenge and is very competitive. With his quick feet, he does a good job adjusting to the ball in the air and making the difficult catch. Christian has the potential to be a franchise receiver for the team that selects him.

Christian will have to improve the strength in his hands and until he does he will drop some contested passes. He still needs time to get stronger and learn more tricks of the route running trade. He will also have to get use, to the velocity of the ball being thrown to him on intermediate routes at the next level. Christian has a lot to learn but I think he has that competitiveness streak in him that gives him the work ethic needed.

Cavin Johnson was 6’ 5”, 235 lbs, and ran a 4.3 in his forty. Christian is 6’ 4”, 208 lbs, and ran a 4.3 in his forty. When I say a player “reminds” me of another player it does not mean I think he will be as good as that player was. It just means that a player has some similar aspects or appearance or qualities to his game in general of another player. It does not mean I think one player will be as good or have as good a career as the other player. Christian has to improve the strength in his hands. Calvin had the strongest hands I ever saw in a wide receiver right out of college. That being said, Christian is aggressive in his route running and aggressive catching the ball, and on the deep ball uses his body and speed very well, as Calvin did. Because I suggest that Christian can be a “franchise” receiver does not mean he can be the franchise receiver that Calvin was. It just means I believe Christian has the POTENTIAL to be a number one receiver for the team that selects him just like a number of other franchise receivers or number one receivers. Let’s not misinterpret the word “reminds” to mean anything more than a player makes me remember another player because that’s all that it means. That being said, I do like Christian’s potential to be an excellent receiver for the team that selects him. I think he has the work ethic and talent to learn and be a lot better than he is right now.