DeMarvin Leal DL/DE Texas A&M

DeMarvin is a solid Defensive Lineman. He has good athletic talent and size and is an excellent teammate. He has the natural lower body strength that makes it easy for him to collapse the pocket when he plays inside and the hand quickness to keep offensive lineman off his body when pass rushing from the outside. DeMarvin also has the required balance, quick feet, and lateral agility to string plays to the outside. As I stated before DeMarvin is a solid all-around Defensive lineman and with a little more attention to playing just one position, could become a core player and fan favorite for the team that selects him.

Two issues that concern me, I think his medicals need to be scrutinized and the team that selects him is going to have to decide what position he can impact the most at. Deciding where he can be most effective will be a team-by-team decision and that will affect his draft status. There are also technique issues that he has to correct because of some very bad habits going from position to position. He stands up instead of firing out off the snap giving up his chest to his defender when playing inside and he is very slow getting off blocks to make tackles. He also takes on double teams but does not try to defeat them with the needed intensity for the next level.

DeMarvin is a rotational defensive lineman who can become more than that if a team can figure out what position he plays and correct all the bad habits he has accumulated from playing more than one position. But, for the purposes of this draft, and from what I see on film, he needs time and development. That is not unusual for any defensive lineman coming out but he seems to need more at this point of his career. At least that’s what I see, others I’m sure will disagree.