Wan’Dale Robinson WR/RB Kentucky

Wan’Dale is as slick as WD-40. He shows the quickness that can debilitate a defense. Wan’Dale has good overall speed and will “sell-out” to make the deep ball catch. He is tough and can take a hit from anyone on the field and that makes him very dangerous. He can be used in the slot and coming out of the backfield as a running back. He is the type of player who doesn’t need a lot of touches to impact a game. Wan’Dale will make the contested catch, the acrobatic catch that moves the chains, and catch the deep ball. When he is in the red zone his quickness and ability to catch the ball in tight quarters is what separates him from most slot receivers. On special teams, he will scare the bejeebers out of most special team coaches who have to game plan for him. As I stated before…he is as slick as WD-40 and will slide right past your best defenders making impact plays all over the field like a crazed rabbit.

Most teams will be concerned about his size and as we all know, size does matter in the draft. Nevertheless, size doesn’t dictate a player’s impact, only production. He is not used as a receiver on the outside so questions about his pure speed will have to be answered in his workouts. Also, Wan’Dale might not have the size to compete against faster and bigger corners so slot receiver would be his impact position and that will affect some teams negatively in their evaluations.

They say speed kills but quickness is the instrument used to allow speed to kill. If you don’t have quickness then speed isn’t as impacting as one would think. Wan’Dale has outstanding quickness and lateral explosion. He has the vision and the balance and toughness of a running back and that allows him to be a very dangerous RAC slot receiver who can come out of the backfield as well as the slot. He gives excellent effort blocking bigger players so the ability to use him as a third-down running back is a possibility. In short (no pun intended) Wan’Dale is a multi-talented player, who can be used all over your offense and scare the bejeebers out of your opponents on special teams. Think about it, in the open field, once he gets the ball in his hands, it’s like trying to catch a crazed rabbit for any defense. Once again, look At Rob’s final value board to find out what round Wan’Dale is mostly to be selected in. As we all know, just because he has 1st round talent to impact does not mean he will be selected in the 1st round. In this draft, there are a ton of big and excellent receivers so this crazed rabbit could get lost in the shuffle for sure and pop up in any round.