Bailey Zappe QB Western Kentucky

Bailey has the arm strength and solid velocity to be a starting quarterback for the team that selects him. He has a high football IQ that makes him dangerous at any point on the field. Bailey is confident and very comfortable playing from the pocket and when he needs it, has a quick release making him very hard to sack. He has enough athleticism to move the chains with his legs. Bailey makes quick decisions both in pre-snap and after the snap of the ball and doesn’t throw many interceptions because of this excellent quick-thinking skill. He shows excellent leadership skills and because he runs the offense with patience, and doesn’t look for the big play on every down, Bailey shows more intellectual football maturity than most starting NFL quarterbacks show. I believe this is the sleeper quarterback of this draft who is hiding in plain sight for all to see. He has Drew Brees like arm strength and talent and Drew’s high football IQ and that’s enough for me to consider him at some point early in this draft.

Because Bailey is not the perfect height for a quarterback and does not have “bazooka-like” arm strength, most teams will downgrade him. Add to that the level of competition and the fact he plays in the “air raid” offense system and teams will have all those excuses they need to nit-pick him into the later rounds for sure. Nevertheless, I believe Bailey has Drew Brees type of football IQ and mental strength that allows him to minimize those concerns.

I do understand that in the draft teams are looking for players they can check off all the boxes. Checking all the boxes is a tool to use but as far as I’m concerned if that’s what you use to select players in the draft then don’t bother to use scouts, just plug the checked boxes into a computer and select. Selecting players is not about checking boxes…it’s about play on the field and Bailey plays on the field better than half the quarterbacks starting in the NFL right now. Do I consider Bailey as having top 10 talent? No, mainly because he doesn’t have that “bazooka-like” arm strength to make me have no doubts about how successful he will be. That being said, keep him in the shotgun and run multiple plays from multiple styles of offenses, from multiple formations and I have no doubt that he can be successful. The key is having an offensive coordinator and play-caller, smarter than this kid and who will put their trust in him to make a multiple style of offense go.