Jordan Davis DL/NT Georgia

Jordan has the size of a big old pine tree and has a bit of a nasty streak, that helps him dominate early in a game. He is an excellent athlete for his size and will surprise opponents with his quickness when he is rushing the QB on passing downs (which rarely happens). He shows good feet, moving forward, and the ability and speed to chase down players behind the line of scrimmage…in the box. Jordan has the athletic talent to stop the run and to pass rush and push the pocket and that is rare in a player of his size. He has “Franchise Defensive Lineman” potential because of his quickness, athletic talent, and size to play in any style defensive line scheme.

Jordan plays to the competition instead of outplaying the competition. He is big, like a big old pine tree but he’s also soft like one too. He is not in NFL shape because he lacks the stamina to be rotated for four quarters. He does not show leadership skills through his play because he lacks consistency in all phases of his game. I worry that giving Jordan a lot of money to play football will not motivate him to become more consistent in every phase of his game but will promote eating more and gaining more weight.

I rate DT’s higher than most because I understand how important it is for them to demand double teams so that the Edge Rushers can go one on one to beat their blockers. I pray every draft season for potentially great DT’s and Jordan without a doubt could become a great DT. But for the purposes of this draft, I fear that he will not reach his potential because he never truly reached his potential at the college level and that is the reason I struggle to rate Jordan as high as others might in this draft. Jordan will be over-drafted because of his size. He will be over-drafted because of a coach’s ego’s thinking they can “coach him up”. I can’t do that…I have to stay true to Jordan’s disappointing play on film and not fall for the “Banana in the Tailpipe” trick once again. I hope Jordan proves me wrong. I hope he stops eating too much and starts being more consistent, and is successful in dominating his opponent through all 4 quarters of a game. If he does there is no telling how great this kid can become at the next level. If Jordan wants to, I believe he could turn it around very quickly providing he is not selected early in this draft and gets a BIG chip on his shoulder. The question is, will Jordan, the pine tree, just produce a small amount of sap…or will he get bigger and stronger and produce more sap than the other pine tree’s in the forest? Boom or Bust, that is the question. You never know, maybe this profile will be his chip.