Drew Boylhart

Evan Weaver LB California

If you’re running a 3/4 defense, you want Even Weaver as one of your inside linebackers for sure. If you’re looking for an MLB for your 4/3 Defense who will “patrol” and defend the middle of the field from hash mark to hash mark, then Evan is your man. He just might be the smartest and most instinctive football player in this draft. He has good size and solid speed and is a coach and leader on the field. He can blitz from off or on the line because he has the athletic agility and quick feet and burst to the ball. He’s an excellent form tackler getting his feet and body in the right position, almost every time to bring down any size player. He reminds me a lot of former Patriots Teddy Bruschi. If you’re looking for a football player, look no further than Evan because he’s the type of player that every team needs to win championships.

Most teams and coaches will overlook Evan because he is not fast enough in his workouts. Trust me when I tell you that, he makes up for it on the field and will play faster than his workouts suggest.

If your favorite team is smart they will target selecting a football player with the football intelligence, instincts, and leadership this kid has to run their defense on the field. The key is to select him, put him on the field and let him do his job. Don’t select him and demand that he beat out a player in practice who is more athletic than he is. Just put him on the field and let him go to work. Is he going to stand out athletically? No, but he will standout making plays against the run and the pass in practice and games. He will standout making sure the players around him play better because he will make sure they know their jobs, and put them in the position to make plays. Evan is not a great athlete, he’s just going to be a standout football player and as a Draftnik I’m not into, selecting the best athlete, I’m into selecting the best football players. I call him Evan (Blue Blood) Weaver because he might not be the most famous Cop in the city but he will be the best Police Commissioner.

Antonio Gibson RB/WR Memphis

Antonio is a multi-talented, multi-position weapon, for the team that selects him on offense. He is a one-cut running back perfect, for the spread offense. He can be used as a wide receiver or a slot receiver because of his size, speed, and strength. He can catch the ball down the field as good as any receiver in this draft. Antonio can adjust to the ball in the air and will catch the contested ball with ease because of his strong hands and athleticism. Antonio has the quick feet and the lateral agility to block in open space. He can be used as a returner on special teams and is one of the fastest players in this draft coming into the combine at 6’0’ 228 lbs and ran a 4.39 in his forty. Antonio can play multiple positions, can catch the ball like a wide receiver, can run the ball out of the backfield and blocks like an H-back in the open field. You can’t be that impactful and play that many different positions without a very High Football IQ to go along with that athletic talent.

Well, if he gets hurt, you will struggle to find three players with his athletic talent, leadership skill, and high football IQ to replace him but that’s not a reason not to select him, it’s just a concern. Antonio, when used as a running back, is not going to be a power runner despite his size because he runs too upright and loses leverage. That being said if he breaks the line of scrimmage into the second level, he is tough to bring down. Antonio will have to make sure to secure the ball and not fumble when used coming out of the backfield. He tends to fight for extra yardage when multiple opponents are tackling him and that means he might be susceptible to the next level to give up the ball.

There should be a sign around Antonio’s neck during draft day, “Looking for Only smart coaches who have a plan for how to use me to impact their offense…All others, need not apply”. You look at the top teams like the Patriots, Saints, Chiefs, Rams and maybe the Bills as targets to select Antonio and use him in multiple positions as a weapon. I will always rate players higher than others that can play multiple positions in multiple styles of offenses or defenses because of the turnover rate of coaches in the NFL. That’s just me, others will not agree and that’s the draft, no one has to agree all I ask is that you remember.

Zack Moss RB Utah

Zack reminds me a lot of a former Patriots third-down back Kevin Falk. He is smart and one of the best pass blocking, running backs in this draft. He shows on film the good lateral agility to make players miss and has the hands out of the backfield to be a dependable option when his quarterback is in duress or on third and long downs. He is a tough runner and doesn’t like to be taken down with the first tackle. He does a good job being patient, waiting for his blockers and following them with good vision and balance to make it through the gaps and gain the needed yardage. Zack has the vision, to make players miss and find those small holes through the line that most running backs with more power don’t see. His high football IQ is what he brings with him to the next level along with his tough running style not to be taken down by just one player.

Zack has solid lateral agility but he lacks the lateral explosion out of his cuts to make yards on his own. He also runs high so unless he is in a spread offense he will struggle to gain yards through the tackles on third and short downs. Zack is what I call a scooter, he scoots along in open space looking for his blocks and although he will gain yards in chunks, unless he is inside the fifty-yard line he is not going to beat anyone to the end zone.

As I stated before, Zack reminds me a lot of former Patriots third-down back Kevin Falk because of his high football IQ, and pass blocking skills. Zack sees the blitz and gets to his blocks quickly once the ball is snapped. He also does an excellent job chipping and then going out to get the check down pass. He is fluid catching the ball so he can be used for more than just check downs. When he does get the ball in the open field he is tough to bring down and will gain the needed yards to make first downs. In my opinion, Zack could be a three-down back in the right system but his talents and impact for the next level, lie in him being a very productive third-down back just like Kevin Faulk was.

Van Jefferson WR Florida

Van is a fluid and polished receiver. He knows all the tricks of the trade and might be one of the best receivers in this draft that knows how to get off press coverage. He has good size and very quick feet and in the Red Zone, he gains separation better than most NFL receivers can. Van has solid hands to catch the ball and along with his quick feet, this makes him a target to move the chains on third and short yardage. He is smart and understands spacial awareness when it comes to running his routes against zone coverage. All in all, Van is a polished, fluid, mature route-running receiver who should be able to help the team that selects him, the day after the draft.

Van has the body type of a speed receiver but not the speed to go deep. He also lacks the strong hands to consistently catch contested passes. Right now, he is a twiner, not fast enough to be a speed receiver with a speed receivers’ body and not mentally tough enough with the wrong body type to handle the pounding of a third-down “catch the ball when everyone in the stadium knows”, it goes to you… receiver. Add to that a small catch radius because of a lack of strong hands and you can see that Van still has a lot to work on.

Van needs to get out of the spa and work on a farm and build/bulk, his body up and gain strength in his hands. He has to realize that he doesn’t have the long speed to be a “Threat” to get deep “consistently” at the next level but because of his quick feet and high football IQ he can become a great receiver if and only if, he gains the needed body and mental strength. He also lacks confidence in his abilities because deep down inside he knows his limitations, but is trying hard to hide them from his opponents. This makes it easy for his opponents to get into his head and for him to lose concentration. Working on a farm, bailing hay, doing other farm work and getting up early in the morning, will help him to gain the needed strength in his body, discipline mentally, and the needed strong hands to become a franchise receiver. He also will gain the confidence in his overall game to become that franchise receiver and not just a good receiver who goes from team to team making money but not gaining the respect that he is looking for. That’s what I see in Vans play on the field. What can I say, it’s a gift and a curse. Van can be great if he wants it bad enough and realizes the work he still has to do to become the receiver he thinks he is right now.

JR Reed S Georgia

Jake Rashaan Reed is an athletic Defensive Back who can be an impact player for your defense. He is quick to support the run with the size and strength to shed blocks and has the coverage skills to defend any size receiver in the slot. He is smart and has the size, speed, and quickness to play up near the line of scrimmage, or as a single deep free safety running from sideline to sideline. JR is a ball hawk with the hands of a wide receiver that makes it easy for him to intercept the ball. He shows leadership skills through his play on the field and has the High Football IQ to play in multiple styles of defenses in single coverage or zone.

Jake’s tackling is pitiful. He is a penalty machine wanting to go into effect for the next level. He’s a head diver and if he doesn’t learn, not to lead with his head he mostly will be hurt or penalized for targeting.

Why do they call the position “Safety”? Because it’s the last line of defense and that last line requires a player who is an effective and secure tackler. Jake is not a secure tackler and if he doesn’t become a better tackler I don’t care how athletic and fearless he is, he is useless playing on defense. JR has excellent hands, maybe he should think about changing to the other side of the ball and being a receiver. If not, he better learn how to stop diving headfirst into a player to take them down because I don’t know about you but for me, that just doesn’t do it. Jake would be considered as first-round talent or certainly one of the best Defensive Backs in this draft if he was a better and more secure tackler. It’s really that simple and it’s really what’s holding him back from being selected early in this draft.

AJ Dillon RB Boston College

Algiers Jameal Williams Dillon has good size and strength and mental stamina to be a solid 4th quarter, 4-minute running back for the team that selects him. He is a one-cut back who sees a hole and makes his cut and then hits whatever or whoever else is in his way. Algiers like the physical part of playing football and once he breaks into the secondary opponents better be smart and fearless in trying to tackle this kid or he will leave them looking for a Dentist to fix whatever teeth are left in their mouths so that the next meal they eat is not through a straw.

Algiers is not looking to fool anyone when he gets to the line of scrimmage because he lacks the vision and lateral agility to shake and bake. He will also have to work on his hands and his blocking to become more than a two-down running back. Of course, backs like AJ have a propensity to fumble at the next level until they get use to being hit harder than they hit others. Also, any hidden injuries will affect his draft status too.

You know that old expression, “He’s like a Bull in a china shop”? Well AJ is the bull and the china shop is your face when you try to tackle him. In the right system with the right coach AJ can become an effective two down back but if he wants to be a featured back than he has to improve his blocking and prove, he can be dependable catching the ball because his college team didn’t really use him that way. That being said when he catches the ball out of the backfield now, he is still not looking to shake and bake anyone to gain yards and that means, tackle him or get the hell out of his way because it’s either you or him going down.

Lawrence Cager WR Georgia

Lawrence is a tall, strong, fluid athlete. He has those long strides that make it very difficult for defensive backs to keep up with him despite the fact they may be faster. He has the athletic talent to adjust to the ball in the air and the excellent hands to catch those acrobatic, contested and difficult passes. Lawrence does a good job blocking for his teammates. He is a pass-catching machine in the red zone and will move the chains on third downs but what he brings with him is the ability to catch the deep ball in the air, above his defender when everyone in the stadium knows that the play is going to him. Lawrence is a clever and cagy route runner, using his size when he needs to but mostly, using his long legs and long strides to his advantage also. If a team is looking for a receiver to build your offensive passing game around than Lawrence should be on that team’s raider for sure. He as talent, that reminds me of Buccaneers Mike Evens.

Lawrence has been hurt a lot, and although he has played with some injuries his medicals will be the one issue that will hold teams back from selecting him as high as I have him rated. He only played a few games this year for Georgia after transferring from Miami. That being said, he is the type of player that made the hair on the back of my head stand up the first time I saw him catch the ball.

The team that selects Lawrence might have to Red Shirt him for a year and get this kid healthy. Then after that happens he will, of course, go through a learning phase and a competition level phase, and that could set him back a bit too. Of course, during all of that time, you have to hope he doesn’t get another injury that slows his future progress. Of course, if he does get injured at the next level you might not see this kid hit the field in his first contract years. Lawrence has talent like the Buccaneers WR Mike Evans. Mike was selected in the first round but he wasn’t injured and we had a normal Draft process that year so the medicals on Mike were completed. Add to that, the talent at the receiver position in this draft and you can see what Lawrence is up against. As far as I’m concerned if, his ankle injury that kept him off the field for most of the 2019 year for Georgia, is not a chronic issue than selecting him as early as the first round would be a given. But this year everything is in flux so let’s take a hard look at what most teams are looking at if they want to select Lawrence. First of all, there is a lack of production and more than one injury that cannot be confirmed how they will affect his play in the future. That being said, Lawrence does have the size, strength, hands, and overall athletic talent to move the chains, catch the deep ball, and be a weapon in the red zone. You do the math and come up with a round you would select Lawrence in. Remember, if he is healthy, he has the potential to be the Offensive Rookie of the year. I’m on record here and I say second round.

Jeremy Chinn S Southern Illinois

Jeremy has the size and athletic talent to play more than one position in your defensive backfield. He has those long arms and legs and when he is decisive, he can be an impact player. He’s a quick-twitch athlete with the talent to play and cover just about any style or size opponent in single coverage all over the field. Jeremy has a lot of upside to his game and that means although he shows excellent overall talent now, most of us haven’t seen anything yet as to the talent he could develop into. He has excellent speed and quickness and has that wiry strong body type that can shed blocks and make tackles. Jeremy is a reactionary type of player who does better in one on one situations and he can impact in the right system with the right coaching.

Jeremy is not a safety for the next level. He struggles in space and in zone coverages and his lack of trusting his instincts and lack of understanding of how his defense is being attacked is not unusual for a player with his athletic talents. Jeremy plays and reacts better when he has one job to do and not when he is asked to multitask on the field.

Jeremy has the potential to be an excellent slot cover, defensive back or be moved to the outside as a cornerback but he is not a safety. Then why did he play safety for his college team you ask? I haven’t got the answer but, I will say this, when Jeremy has a definite assignment on the field in coverage or, when he sees the play in front of him to his side of the field to make a tackle, he shows how good a player he can be. He could be an excellent cornerback or like I said an excellent slot corner but put him off the line as a safety and he gets confused, hesitant, doesn’t trust his instincts and consistently takes poor angles to support the run and misses tackles because, of those poor angles. There is a lot of talent to work with but in my opinion that talent has to have direction and only have to worry about one side of the field to impact. If Jeremy shows the ability to recover when he gets beat in coverage than there is no doubt in my mind that he could be an excellent cover corner. So far on film, he only shows the ability to cover when the play is in front of him so that will be the big question in his workouts. I have a sneaking suspicion that he has this athletic talent also. That being said for this draft I know he can impact as a cover slot defensive back on third downs and most likely help on special teams so adding this type of athletic talent seems to me, to be a no brainer.

Ezra Cleveland OL/OT Boise St

Ezra might be the most athletic Offensive Lineman in this draft. He has excellent feet to be able to mirror his opponent off the line of scrimmage and the quickness out of his stance that equals any Tight End. He shows on film the athletic lateral agility needed to play more than one position on offense and has the foot speed most offensive lineman dream about but do not possess. Ezra uses solid techniques and that is unusual for athletic lineman because most rely too much on their athletic talents and not enough on techniques to dominate. Ezra has athletic talent that is rare and equals some of the best Left Tackles that have ever played in the NFL. He can play on either side or be used as an offensive weapon running plays off the line or in the backfield, inside the red zone.

Ezra seems to play his position as if he is bored. He needs to increase his upper body strength and needs to be challenged more and he will be at the next level. Ezra also needs to lower his pads when run blocking and get down in his stance more when pass blocking and not lose leverage. The key to Ezra becoming the dominant player his athletic talent suggests is more mental than technique-wise. Ezra has to become more aggressive and improve his mental stamina to improve his value and overall game to dominate. I do not doubt that he will improve, with the right coaching.

Ezra hasn’t been challenged at the college level and this has shown on film in the way he has not developed his mental stamina and physical talents. He hasn’t improved from one year to the next and although the lack of improvement has not been an issue or a concern, it now becomes the biggest issue and concern for the next level. Ezra for the first time in his athletic life will be challenged athletically and mentally and the question is, will he step up or will he just be as good as he is right now? There is tremendous, upside to Ezra’s overall game in technique use, and athletic consistency along with mental stamina. If he can become the player his talents suggest than Ezra will be a special player and there are not many special players in the NFL that play Left Tackle. Like the QB position, there are only a few special Left tackles in the NFL and when you have a chance to draft one you are a fool to pass on them, even if you think you have a good one playing on your team right now. All I can say is don’t take the chance and pass on selecting Ezra or you just might regret passing on selecting a special talent at one of the truly skilled positions for your offense, Left Tackle.

Charlie Heck OT/OL North Carolina

Charlie has the size and athletic talent along with using solid techniques to be a dominating offensive tackle for the team that selects him. He is a big kid with good weight and long arms that the teams look for in the prototypical offensive tackle. He has the athletic talent to play Left Tackle but seems more at home on the right side but either way, being able to play on either side makes Charlie very valuable to just about any team in this draft. He shows on film enough vertical agility to mirror his opponent and his techniques are very mature, making Charlie one of the least penalized offensive lineman in this draft. Charlie is efficient and because he does such a good job of protecting his quarterback at the college-level without much flair, Charlie is being underrated in this draft or is he?

Charlie needs to get a lot stronger in his upper and lower body to compete at the next level. He falls off his blocks and when he does play with some aggression he overextends himself and loses the use of those mature techniques that impresses me. Charlie seems to lack the motivation to be one of the best offensive tackles in this draft. He seems to mentally be stuck at a certain talent level and that is disconcerting. He needs to improve his mental stamina and physical stamina if he wants to be a starting offensive lineman for the team that selects him.

Charlie has the athletic talent to be one of the best offensive tackles in this draft but I’m not sure that’s what he wants in life. He strikes me as the type of person who just wants to go fishing every day and not the type of kid that is motivated to play any competitive game to the best of his ability. I watch him play on film and it looks to me like this kid just loves life and playing football is not a priority, it’s just a means to an end. Sitting on a dock of a bay seems to be more to his liking. Hopefully, I’m wrong but if I’m right then Charlie winds up being a backup Offensive Tackle that can play either side in a pinch but not a starting Offensive tackle and this, of course, will affect his draft status. Remember, I’m only going by what I see on film, and maybe there are reasons for this talented player not to be as dominant as his athletic talent suggests he should be at this point in his career. I hope there is because if Charlie can be motivated to play up to his talent level, he will be one of the sleeper picks in this draft and play for a long time for the team that selects him.

James Lynch DL Baylor

James has good size and decent overall athletic talent. He shows quickness and strength off the line that could be hard to handle for some offensive lineman at the next level. James is relentless and because he gives the effort on every play he is always around the ball. He has quick feet and understands that one of his best assets in getting into the backfield is getting off the line quickly before his opponent can be set. He fights through double teams and if you make a mistake in blocking him he will make you pay. He has been an impact player for his college team and shows leadership skills through his play on the field.

James’s athletic talent borders on the nonexistence. His foot speed lacks just that, speed and his change of direction skills a little better than a subway train tied to tracks that go straight even around corners. Right now, all James will bring to the next level is the stats he acquired, at the college level and the relentlessness that he plays with on every play no matter the down or distance. One does wonder if James could be more effective on the other side of the ball as an offensive tackle. Don’t get mad, it’s just a thought.

James has a lot to learn if he wants to be the impact player at the next level or more than a rotational Defensive Lineman. He will have to improve on his overall techniques to gain an advantage over an opponent at the next level and he will also have to learn that impacting as a pass rusher and collecting double-digit sacks is not in his future. That doesn’t mean that James can’t or won’t be an impact player for the team that selects him. It just means that since he has less, athletic talent that most players he will go up against, to minimize those less than athletic talents, he will have to work much harder on his techniques and raise his football IQ. James can become a player very much like former Bills Defensive Lineman Kyle Williams because like Kyle was, James is relentless. That excellent effort will allow him to impact like Kyle did for years especially in the fourth quarter, when his opponents wear down and James keeps going like the energizer bunny. Because James has so much to learn to play Defensive line at a high level, switching over to the other side of the line of scrimmage is something he should think about. Then again, maybe not, if James wants it bad enough, who knows how successful he could be.