Drew Boylhart

Kelvin Joseph CB Kentucky

Kelvin is a fluid athlete with the size, speed, and strength to play multiple positions in your defensive backfield. He has the athletic talent to be considered as one of the better and most intriguing corners in the draft. He has excellent hands to make the interception and watching him catch the ball I wonder why he didn’t consider playing receiver on the other side of the ball. Kelvin does a solid job when playing man-to-man defense or in zone coverages. As I stated before, Kelvin is an intriguing and talented defensive back, and if and when he matures he could be a solid number 2 corner for the team that selects him.

There is a list, as long as my arm of concerns about how Kelvin panics when he gets beat and how he doesn’t play up to his 40 times and lacks the agility to recover, and how he tries to guess too much in zone coverages and that causes him to freeze and how sloppy and poor a tackler he is but, I’m not going to harp on all of those concerns. My biggest concerns are that Kelvin has to upgrade and gain more maturity because what I see on film is a lack of maturity and confidence in his ability to be the player he thinks he is.

For all of Kelvin’s size and athletic talent, it surprised me when I turned on the film and saw a player who lacked the passion to match up and try to dominate. Against Florida, he got beat and didn’t catch the Tight End from behind and that told me two things. First, he doesn’t play to his speed, and second, when he gets beat he surrenders. Getting beat in coverage is just a part of the job but giving up after you get beat is not and poor tackling skills because you hesitate, is not a part of the job description also. If Kelvin matures and learns to handle adversity as well as success, he could become one of the best defensive backs from this draft class, lord knows he has the talent. But for me personally, if I was a GM, I would let another team go through the growing pains and see where he is at after his first contract is up. But that’s just me, and many players over the years, have proven me wrong before, because my profiling is not absolute, when it comes to the draft. Hopefully, Kelvin will be one of those that will prove me wrong, but I do see a long road ahead of him before that will happen.

Grant Stuard LB/ST Houston

Grant is the “Rudy” of this draft. He will be your special teams captain for your very successful special teams. He shows a quick burst to the ball and is around just about every play because of his instincts. He shows leadership skills because of his pure effort on every play. His ability to affect an opponent’s play, in the red zone, is unique because of his quickness and instincts. He recognizes and reacts to plays quickly and this gives him an edge that his athletic talent does not give him. Grant plays like an FIM-92 Stinger Missile on the field. He fires off in one direction, he gets to his target very fast, and then he explodes into his opponent demoralizing them and leaving them wondering what the hell just hit them.

Truthfully, Grant does not have the overall athletic talent to be on an NFL field. He takes 45 steps to go 20 yards. His hips are so tight he can’t change direction quickly enough to get out of the way of a sloth. He is too small to play linebacker and not athletic enough to be a safety. He is limited in coverage skills because he has no lateral agility. Nevertheless, as a GM or Head Coach…I want this guy on my team because you can’t teach or coach effort, and Grant has an abundance of that skill, the one that will allow him, to be on an NFL field.

There should not be a special team coach, in the NFL, that is not standing on top of his stadium, demanding his GM and Head Coach to select Grant in this draft at some point and not leave it to the chance of trying to get him, in the Rookie Free agency pool. The truth is, it will be more cost-effective to draft him than to compete for him after the draft is over. The nuisances of how Grant is able to affect his team’s play on the field for his college team is hard to describe unless you look at film. Grant’s ability as a linebacker to force a QB off their first read on inside routes, on passing plays, is interesting to watch. His ability to put his hand down on the goal line and burst off the line, at his size, and make a tackle is interesting. His ability to run as fast as he can go, sideline to sideline and turn a player back in, or make a player hold up for others to make the tackle, happens only because of his pure effort. As I stated before, Grant does not belong on an NFL field because he just is not athletic enough and still, I want him on my team because you can’t teach or coach, the one skill he has in abundance…effort. Grant will be your captain on special teams and make your special teams…special…trust me, I know everything there is to know about…effort.

Kellen Mond QB Texas A&M

Kellen has dramatically improved in his overall quarterback play from year to year similar to the way Dak Prescott did when he was in college. Kellen has good size and throws the ball with good velocity that will help him at the next level to score inside the red zone. He has solid athleticism to make first downs and move the chains with his feet and to learn how to manipulate the pocket to extend plays. Kellen, as I stated before, has improved his ability to manage his athleticism and his game, in general, every year that he has played at the college level, and that bodes well for his ability to continue to improve at the next level.

Kellen has improved, but still has a world of improving to do. He struggles with pre-snap reads and coming off his first read quick enough to make a play. When a play breaks down he doesn’t manipulate the pocket at all right now. When he leaves the pocket, if it’s not a designed rollout, Kellen does not look to pass the ball and doesn’t continue to look at the whole field to run. Kellen still struggles with accuracy under pressure if he stays in the pocket. He also struggles, throwing from different release points and going to his check-downs quick enough. Kellen really struggles to identify the blitz and in general and that’s the reason he is late to throw to his check-downs.,

I’m not convince Kellen can start and produce consistently for a 17-game schedule but I am convinced that he is a good enough player to continue to develop in the hope that he can after his first contract is up. His ability to improve from year to year is his best attribute and that alone gives me hope that he can become a starter for some team in the future.

Davis Mills QB Stanford

Davis play on the field reminds me a lot of Ryan Fitzpatrick. He has that same, I’ll do anything to win a game, attitude. He has a good arm with good velocity in the red zone to make the tough throw. He has enough athleticism to make 1st downs with his feet and manipulate the pocket to extend plays. Davis shows good leadership skills through his play on the field and has all of the developmental skills to become a starting quarterback for the team that selects him.

Davis, like Ryan, struggles to manage games and gets frustrated and that leads to him forcing the ball and making mistakes on the most important downs of a game. He is erratic in his mechanics, and his delivery, and that leads to mistakes and interceptions. Davis has a bad habit of changing his arm speed when under pressure in the pocket because he gets anxious to make a pass when his receivers are not ready or have not adjusted. He has a lot to learn about reading the blitz and feeling the pressure in the pocket, nevertheless, he is stout and a strong pocket passer and that is a sign of his ability to succeed at the next level.

I watched Davis’s pro day and thought, it would be nice to see that Davis on the field instead of the fly by the seat of his pants, player you see on film. His delivery was compact and accurate. His footwork was coordinated and improved and consistent. His accuracy was not erratic and showed excellent red zone velocity. This led me to wonder, will Davis be able to play like that in a game instead of the “Wild Bill Hickock” I see on film? Can Davis bring what he does in practice onto the field and marry it to his “I’ll do anything to win”, attitude in a more controlled and intellectual way? That ladies and Gentlemen is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question, with just about every quarterback coming out in the draft. Davis can light a fire under a team but can that fire last for a seventeen-game schedule? Draft him and hope he sits and learns for a few years and see. My guess is, in years to come he will be as good as Ryan Fitzpatrick and if you can keep Davis from throwing interceptions when the game is on the line, there is no telling where he can take your team.

Payton Turner ER Houston

Payton is a quick/twitch athlete and might be one of the quickest Defensive Lineman in this draft. He is quick off the line with the quickest hand techniques to free himself up to make a tackle or a sack. He has the size, and the length, teams are looking for in a pure edge rusher along with the effort on every play. He has the athletic talent to fall off the line of scrimmage in coverage and could cover most big Tight Ends because of his ability to flip his hips in coverage situations. Because of his quick hands, Payton is one of the best at shedding blocks and making a tackle. He was invited to the Shrine game this year and dominated. Because of his play in practice and the game, he was then invited to play in the Senior Bowl and embarrass many top players in practice and the game because of his size, quickness, excellent hand techniques, and effort on every snap in practice and the game. Payton has the potential to be a special player for the team that selects him at the next level and as of this writing, no one has even mentioned him.

Payton will need to get stronger in his lower body, he does get moved off his line to the quarterback, when he takes that outside rush but this should not be much of an issue to correct and get better at. Basically, I’m nitpicking.

I don’t know what to tell you, I turn on the film and see this type of talent, in a player who is 6’ 5”, 270 lbs, and I just shake my head and wonder how no one has mention Payton as one of the top edge rushers in this draft? I mean, he goes to 2 all-star, draft evaluation games, and dominates, and still, no one says a word about this kid. He changes the line of scrimmage in his favor on every snap and his effort, on a play even when it goes away from him, is unique to only the players whose passion, is to play at their highest level. Think about it, at 6’5” 270 lbs, and his college team used Payton in the robber position for 4 games last year…think about that. As I stated before, Payton could be a special player for the team that selects him so look at Rob’s board to see at what point in this draft he is most likely to be selected in but for me, he’s a player with 1st round talent that should be selected in the 1st round. Oh boy, that limb I’m out on is bending big time this year.

Jamin Davis LB Kentucky

Jamin has the size, length, speed, burst, and open field tackling skills to be an excellent linebacker in any style of defense. He can play multiple Linebacker positions in any style of defense because of his length and ability to handle different coverages in the passing game. He is a quick twitch, athlete and might be one of the best linebackers in this draft at tackling in the open field. Jamin has those long arms that will help him in the future to keep blockers off his body, to shed and make tackles. Jamin has excellent potential to be a starting linebacker for the team that selects him with the athletic talent to build your linebacker core around.

Jamin struggles against the run because he is not reading his keys and doesn’t seem to understand run blocking schemes. When teams run inside he struggles to identify and react and find the ball and doesn’t attack with the aggressiveness you see when he is playing in the open field. He seems very unsure and hesitant when he plays in the middle, on runs between the tackles. When he plays on the outside, it is less of an issue but still a weakness to his overall game.

Jamin concerns are really about techniques and repetitions more than anything else. Nevertheless, some players never understand, how to defend the run in the middle of the field and until Jamin shows he can learn and improve and bring what he learns in practice on to the field it will affect his draft status for some teams. For me, I believe playing him on the outside will be Jamin’s impact position at the next level and possibly in a 3/4 defense where a team can use his length and speed in coverage and also attacking the line of scrimmage to make sacks. That being said, there is no reason that Jamin eventually, can play in any style defense, at any linebacker position, if he can continue to read and react quickly, on the field as he learns. For Jamin, maturity and work ethic will be of great value for him to improve. Jamin has talent very much like Vikings Anthony Barr and to think he could not be as impacting as Anthony has been for his team, is foolish. Jamin is the type of player teams might be looking at selecting earlier than his talent grade suggest. He just might sneak into the late part of the 1st round, you just never know.

Dylan Moses LB Alabama

Dylan is the new style linebacker with the size, speed, football IQ, length, and multi-position skills, that teams are looking for in their new 4-2-5 defenses. He shows agility and coverage skills to be effective against the passing game along with the speed and burst to go sideline to sideline shutting down the run. Dylan has been an excellent linebacker for his team and shows leadership skills on the field that could make him attractive to teams in this draft along with his athletic talent and overall skills.

Injuries have robbed Dylan of his impact but what injuries have also robbed Dylan of is, his passion to play the game at his highest level. I don’t know if that passion, will ever return to the degree he played with, in his early college years.

You can fix injuries but you cannot fix a player’s passion. Once they lose the passion to be one of the best, but still have the talent to be the best, they become average, at best. If some team can find a way to re-introduce the passion in Dylan’s play then he could become a core player and a fan favorite for the team that selects him but for the purposes of this draft, I don’t see that happening. My guess, Dylan will become a solid player for the team that selects him. After his first contract, he will go from team to team making a lot of money in free agency… a good late-round selection….that is unless the passion returns.

Janarius Robinson ER/DL Florida St

Janarius has the potential to be a core defensive player for the team that selects him. He has those long arms that make it easy for him to get off blocks and make tackles. He is strong against the run and although he has played mostly standing up at the line like a linebacker, I believe his natural and impact position will be as a defensive end, with his hand down, in a 4/3 defense. He has the flexibility to go around the corner, dip, and make a sack but what makes him unique is that he has the natural strength and quickness to power rush when he needs it. This ability to be quick off the line, flexibility to turn the corner, and strength and size to power rush, are skills and athletic talent most players coming out in a draft don’t have. I believe Janarius will be a better, and more impacting football player at the next level than he has been for his college team if he plays as a defensive end, with his hand down, in a 4/3 defense.

If I’m right, then Janarius has been playing out of position for his college team and this will affect his draft status. Also, Janarius will have a lot to learn at the next level if he does play in a 4/3 defense with his hand down, but he is very smart and give him time and he will impact. If he plays in any other type of defense, I believe Janarius will be a solid player but also an average player and that will affect his draft status also.

Janarius went to the Senior Bowl, and put his hand down and got better every day, and then impacted in the game. He was lined up on the strong side with his hand down and it looked easy for him. I go by film, to do my profiles, not workouts. Measurements do add into my profiles and speed on the field enters into my profiles but for me, I look at the workouts to see if what I saw on film is in the ballpark. If I see a person pulling away from others running down the field I know that he is faster and a workout to establish if that player can run a 4.3 or 4.4 is not necessary. Of course, the competition level matters, and then a forty time will matter but in general, workouts don’t affect my profiles. What I saw on film with Janarius was a player playing out of position for the next level, the very first time I put on the film. I waited to see if I was right and the Senior bowl proved to me that I was. My suspicion is that it proves the same thing to the scouts too. Give Janarius time to adjust, and he will impact, I have no doubt…that’s if he plays in the right defense with his hand down on the edge. Draftniks are not stupid people, we just are not listened to because we get drowned out by all the “media experts”.

Tre McKitty TE Georgia

Tre is a multi-faceted, multi-position, Tight End who could play in your backfield as a full back, or H-back or, on the line blocking or…in the slot as a receiver. He is a fluid athlete with big hands to snatch the ball out of the air. He runs good routes and is very smart and has a feel for getting open against zone coverages or against single coverages that will make quarterbacks count on him in all types of down and distances. Tre seems to be, that type of player who is as fast as he needs to be without looking like he is very fast at all. Tre is not really a sleeper in this draft, most know and appreciate his talents and skills but he is a bit of a question mark as to how impacting those talents and skills can be.

Minor injuries seem to keep Tre from playing at his best. He reminds me of Charles Clay who never met a doctor male or female, that he didn’t like. In fact, even at the Senior Bowl Tre seem to have a “hitch” in his step, after a play was over in practice and although that is just pure speculation on my part, if he still is having problems with his knee, it will affect his draft status.

Charles Clay played for the Dolphins, Bills, and Arizona Cardinals and had a good career with 357 catches for 3,868 yards and 24 TD’s. All stats that are pretty good but he isn’t remembered as a good Tight End because he could not be counted on by the coaches, teammates, and fans from game to game to be on the field. He had injuries that never seem to heal no matter how much time he took off to get them to heal. Tre can be an excellent impacting player for the team that selects him if, he can be counted on and nagging injuries do not keep getting in his way. It’s really that simple for Tre. Tre will play thorough his injuries but letting those injuries cut into his “dependability to impact consistently” is the only question I see from this guy being a potential Pro Bowl player.

Cameron Sample ER/DL Tulane

Camron is a natural Defensive End for a team that runs a base 4/3 defense. He has excellent size and good length and because of the way his college team has used him, on the inside and on the outside, has made Cameron a very smart player. He has good balance and natural strength to go along with excellent pass-rushing techniques. Cameron has strong hands and can control his opponent when playing in a 2-gap system and stopping the run. He is a complete defensive lineman who can rush the passer and stop the run from multiple positions on your defensive front if you need him to but, his impact position should be as a DE in a 4/3. That position will be the position, he can impact against on both running and passing downs.

Right now, because he has played for Tulane the “experts” are just looking for negatives in his game instead of the positives and this attitude will affect his draft status. Also, because Cameron is a complete football player and doesn’t have the pass rushing numbers, those same “experts” do not recognize his overall potential.

Cameron is smaller than Carlos Dunlap but his overall style, of how he plays the game reminds me a lot of Carlos. Like Carlos when he came out, most people did not recognize his talents to dominate and they are doing the same with Cameron. Because Cameron was playing out of position and with good weight, but not the correct weight, people downgrade him. They think that’s a negative but for me, all of that are positives and is what makes Cameron more well-rounded with the potential to dominate at the next level at his true impact position. A slimmed-down version of the Cameron, who has started for the last three years for his college team, showed up at the Senior Bowl. He showed his quickness and strength in the game and in all of the practices and dominated. Oh, and by the way, he proved my point that he is a natural (with the potential to dominate) Defensive End in a 4/3 front. All you have to do is watch that game.

Jake Funk RB/ST Maryland

Jake has the type of talent and running back skills, similar to former Broncos/Texans Philip Lindsay but Jake is bigger. If you don’t tackle Jake, before he hits the line of scrimmage you won’t catch him for another 20 or 30 yards down the field. He has excellent quickness to reach his top-end speed within the first 10 yards and that is very unusual. Jake has solid vision and solid balance but what he brings to the next level is that ability to play bigger than his size because of his lower body strength and pad level. He is smart and shows leadership skills through his play on the field at running back and on the cover units on special teams. Jake can catch the ball out of the backfield as well as any running back in this draft and although he is not that elusive in the open field his opponents better bring their big boy pants to tackle him in the open field. Jake is not a change-up running back, he has the potential (even at his size) to be a starting running back and a fan favorite for the team that selects him. He’s a sleeper for sure because Jake, has more than just talent, to play at the next level.

He is fast and quick but he is not elusive and you can catch him from behind. He’s the type of football player who is just good.

If your looking to add talent to your offense that will impact and is smart and is the type of player who will compete on every play and never let you down, then you should be selecting Jake earlier in this draft. I like Jake’s consistency to show up on every down and do his job. I like Jake’s athletic talent and intelligence to make plays. I like Jake’s ability on film to make opponents think he will be no problem, and we don’t need to game plan for him, and then once the game starts, after the first play, know right away the mistake they made. Jake has that “Christian McCaffery” type of attention to detail and work ethic. He is not as fast and just maybe, he is not as good at catching the ball down the field as Christian but, he does get up to his top speed as quickly as Christian gets up to his top speed. The difference is in the top speed but not, in the impact and production. Check Rob’s value board as too if…or even what round, Jake could be selected in because right now he is on no one’s radar but mine.